
       makecpt - Make GMT color palette tables


       makecpt [ -Ctable ] [ -I ] [ -Tz0/z1/dz | -Tztable] [ -V ]
       [ -Z ]


       makecpt is a utility that will help you make color palette
       tables  (cpt files). You define an equidistant set of con­
       tour intervals or pass your own z-table, and create a  new
       cpt file based on an existing master cpt file. The result­
       ing cpt file can be reversed relative to the  master  cpt,
       and can be made continuous or discrete.


       -C     Selects  the master color table table to use in the
              interpolation.  Choose among  the  built-in  tables
              (type  makecpt to see the list) or give the name of
              an existing cptfile [Default gives  a  rainbow  cpt

       -I     Reverses the sense of color progression in the mas­
              ter cptfile.

       -T     Defines the range of the new cptfile by giving  the
              lowest and highest z-value and the interval. Alter­
              natively, give the name of a ASCII  file  that  has
              one  z-value per record. If not given, the existing
              range in the master cptfile will be used intact.

       -V     Selects verbose  mode,  which  will  send  progress
              reports to stderr [Default runs "silently"].

       -Z     Creates  a  continuous cpt file [Default is discon­
              tinuous, i.e. constant colors for each interval].


       To make a cpt file with z-values from -200  to  200,  with
       discrete  color  changes every 25, and using a polar blue-
       white-red colortable, try

       makecpt -Cpolar -T-200/200/25 > colors.cpt

       To make an equidistant cpt file from z = -2 to 6, in steps
       of 1, using continuous default rainbow colors, try

       makecpt -T-2/6/1 -Z > rainbow.cpt

       To make a GEBCO look-alike cpt file for bathymetry, try

       makecpt -Cgebco > my_gebco.cpt

       Since makecpt will also interpolate from any existing .cpt
       file you may have in your directory, you cannot use one of
       the  listed  cpt  names  as  an output filename; hence the
       my_gebco.cpt in the example.


       gmt(l), grd2cpt(l)

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