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A. GMT supplemental packages

These packages are for the most part written and supported by us, but there are some exceptions. They provide extensions of GMT that are needed for particular rather than general applications. The software is provided in a separate, supplemental archive (GMT_suppl.tar.gz (or .bz2); see Appendix D). Questions or bug reports for this software should be addressed to the person(s) listed in the README file associated with the particular program. It is not guaranteed that these programs are fully ANSI-C, Y2K, or POSIX compliant, or that they necessarilly will install smoothly on all platforms, but most do. Note that the data sets some of these programs work on are not distributed with these packages; they must be obtained separately. The contents of the supplemental archive may change without notice; at this writing it contains these directories:


Paul Wessel 2001-04-18