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The Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) could not have been designed without the generous support of several people. We gratefully acknowledge A. B. Watts and W. F. Haxby for supporting our efforts on the original version 1.0 while we were their graduate students at Lamont–-Doherty Earth Observatory. Doug Shearer and Roger Davis patiently answered many of our questions over e-mail. The subroutine gaussj was written and supplied by Bill Menke, L-DEO. Further development of versions 2.0 and 2.1 at SOEST would not have been possible without the support from the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology Post-Doctoral Fellowship program to Paul Wessel. Walter H. F. Smith gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the C. H. and I. M. Green Foundation for Earth Sciences at the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego. GMT versions 3.0-3.4 owe their existence to grants EAR-93-02272, OCE-95-29431, and OCE-0082552 from the National Science Foundation, which we gratefully acknowledge.

We would like to acknowledge the feedback we have received from many of the users of earlier versions. Many of these suggestions have been implemented, and the bug reports have been useful in providing more robust programs. Specifically, we would like to thank William Weibel, Ameet Raval, Manfred Brands, Angel Li, Andrew Macrae, John Lillibridge, Richard Signell, Michael Barck, Alex Madon, Ben Horner-Johnson, Georg Schwarz, Lloyd Parkes, David Townsend, and many others for advice on how to make GMT portable to DEC, SGI, HP, IBM, Apple, and NEXT workstations. John Lillibridge provided example 11. William Yip helped translate GMT to POSIX ANSI C and incorporate netCDF 3, Allen Cogbill provided OS/2 patches for EMX, and Hanno von Lom helped resolve problems with DLL libraries for Win32.

Honolulu, HI and Silver Spring, MD, April 2001

\epsfig{figure=eps/Wessel.eps} \epsfig{figure=eps/Smith.eps}
Dr. Pål (Paul) Wessel Dr. Walter H. F. Smith
Professor Geophysicist
Department of Geology and Geophysics Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry
School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology National Oceanographic Data Center
University of Hawaii at Manoa National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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Paul Wessel 2001-04-18