While GMT can be ported to non-UNIX systems such as Windows and MacOS, it is also true that one of the strengths of GMT lies its symbiotic relationship with UNIX. We therefore recommend that GMT be installed in a POSIX-compliant UNIX PC environment such as Linux (PC) or MkLinux (Mac). There are also commercial products for PCs (e.g., Interix [formerly OpenNT]L.1) and Macs (e.g., MachTenL.2) that will provide a POSIX environment without rebooting into UNIX. Installation of GMT under Interix or Machten is no different than under other POSIX UNIXsystems.
However, if you own a PC and need a public domain, no-cost solution other than Linux you have a few additional options. At the time of this writing they include
Unlike the first two, the latter will not provide you with any UNIX tools so you will be limited to what you can do with DOS batch files.