C/2010 F3 (Scotti)

C/2010 F3 (Scotti) 2010 March 20

C/2010 F3 (Scotti) 2010 March 20

This comet was discovered by Spacewatch observer Jim Scotti on the night of 2010 March 20 UT. This image is the sum of 3 images totaling 410 seconds of exposure with the 1.8-m Spacewatch telescope on 2010 March 20 UT. The coma is about 5 arcseconds across and the tail measures about 1.1 arcminutes in position angle 289 degrees. North is to the right and east at top. The second image has a wider field of view.

C/2010 F3 (Scotti) 2010 March 21

C/2010 F3 (Scotti) 2010 March 21

These two images were taken on 2010 March 21 UT. They are the sum of 9 images totalling 1229 seconds with the Spacewatch 1.8-m telescope on Kitt Peak. The coma was measured to be 7" across and the long narrow tail extends to at least 1.9 arcminutes in position andle 289 degrees and possibly as far as 3.0 arcminutes in position angle 288 degrees. North is at right, east is at the top. The second image shows a different contrast stretch to show the tail a little better.

Last update: March 22, 2010