C/2010 E5 (Scotti)

C/2010 E5 (Scotti) 2010 March 14

This comet was discovered by Spacewatch observer Jim Scotti (me!) on the night of 2010 March 14 UT. This image is the sum of 9 images totaling 1226 seconds of exposure with the 1.8-m Spacewatch telescope on 2010 March 14 UT. The coma is about 8 arcseconds across and the tail measures about 0.62 arcminutes in position angle 304 degrees. North is to the right and east at top.

C/2010 E5 (Scotti) 2010 March 14 (black on white negative)

C/2010 E5 (Scotti) 2010 March 15 (black on white negative)

These two images are negatives (which I think shows more subtle detail in the coma and tail) taken on consecutive days. They are the sum of 9 images taken each day.

C/2010 E5 (Scotti) 2010 March 20 (black on white negative)

C/2010 E5 (Scotti) 2010 March 20 (black on white negative)

These two images were taken on 2010 March 20 and are the sum of 9 images with total integration time of 1226 seconds with the Spacewatch 1.8-m telescope. The coma diameter was 7" and the tail extends some 0.52' in p.a. 302 degrees. The first is a negative image. You can also see an asteroid trailed in the upper left portion of the image.

Last update: March 22, 2010