Io Workshop 2010
25-26 May, Provo, Utah
First Announcement
Now is a compelling time to be studying Io. There is a wealth of data from Voyager, Galileo, and Cassini, and there are plans in place for spacecraft observations of Io in the coming decade through the Europa Jupiter System Mission and hope for a dedicated Io Observer. Meanwhile, groundbased observing capabilities have increased to the degree that we can study Io's atmosphere and see dozens of individual hotspots on its surface.
The Io Workshop 2010, to be held in Provo, Utah, will cover the latest research topics and results and will encourage discussion of current and future research plans. Talks and discussion will occur over 1.5 days, and will be followed by a field trip to a Holocene lava pond and tubes.
If you are interested in receiving future emails about this workshop, and have not yet been informed, please email janirad at byu dot edu.
Jani Radebaugh
Eric Christiansen
Department of Geological Sciences
Brigham Young University