HiCat Data Dictionary

Catalog: Odyssey
The Odyssey catalog contains data from the THEMIS and GRS instruments from the Mars Odyssey mission.
Data from the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) on Odyssey. Observation and geometry parameters for the THEMIS visible images. All geometry parameters are based on the IAU 2000 aerocentric model, with east positive longitude. The parameters are extracted for first band available (i.e. listed first in the BAND_NUMBER value.) Geometry parameters are not available for observations of the IR shutter or space.

Field Description Type Null Limits Size Key Default Authority Source
OBSERVATION_ID Unique identifier for a THEMIS data product composed of the PRODUCT_ID and without the 3 character processing type suffix. In the format Voooooiii: the V indicates the visible camera; ooooo is the 5-digit mission orbit number when the data was collected, zero padded; and iii is the 3-digit image sequence number indicating the order that images were collected within a given orbit VARCHAR(9) Not Null unique index PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
START_TIME UTC date and time at the beginning of data acquisition for this product; value given in SCET following the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.fff. See also DOCUMENT/SDPSIS.pdf, Section 2.3.4 and Appendix A.7. VARCHAR(23) Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
STOP_TIME UTC date and time at the end of data acquisition for this product; value given in SCET following the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.fff. See also DOCUMENT/SDPSIS.pdf, Section 2.3.4 and Appendix A.7. VARCHAR(23) Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT Value of the spacecraft clock at the beginning of data acquisition for this product. See also DOCUMENT/SDPSIS.pdf, Section 2.3.4 and Appendix A.7. DECIMAL(13,3) Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT Value of the spacecraft clock at the end of data acquisition for this product. See also DOCUMENT/SDPSIS.pdf, Section 2.3.4 and Appendix A.7. DECIMAL(13,3) Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
START_TIME_ET The time at the beginning of data acquisition for this product; value given in SCET, ET format. See also DOCUMENT/SDPSIS.pdf, Section 2.3.4 and Appendix A.7. DECIMAL(13,3) Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
STOP_TIME_ET The time at the end of data acquisition for this product; value given in SCET, ET format. See also DOCUMENT/SDPSIS.pdf, Section 2.3.4 and Appendix A.7 DECIMAL(13,3) Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
UNCORRECTED_SCLK_START_COUNT Value of the spacecraft clock when the instrument was commanded to beginning data acquisition of this product; this can vary by as much as 4 seconds from the other START_TIME keywords. See also DOCUMENT/SDPSIS.pdf, Section 2.3.4 and Appendix A.7. DECIMAL(13,3) Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
IMAGE_DURATION The length of time in seconds required to collect all frames of all bands in the downlinked image. FLOAT unsigned Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
LINE_SAMPLES Total number of pixels along the horizontal axis of the image. SMALLINT(4) unsigned Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
IMAGE_LINES Total number of pixels along the vertical axis of the image. MEDIUMINT(5) unsigned Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
BAND_NUMBER List of bands available in the image with 1 representing band 1, and 5 representing band 5 examples: 12345 = all bands avail; 135 = bands 1, 3, and 5 avail VARCHAR(5) Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
DESCRIPTION Description of the image written by the mission planner. Note that some descriptions are truncated to fit into this index; the full description is available in the image headers. VARCHAR(40) Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
FOCAL_PLANE_TEMPERATURE Temperature of the VIS camera focal plane at the time of the observation. FLOAT Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
EXPOSURE_DURATION Exposure time, in milliseconds, of the VIS camera for this observation. FLOAT Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
SPATIAL_SUMMING Onboard spatial average of NxN set pixels applied to this observation; where N is the value of the keyword, and N=1 implies that no spatial averaging has been applied. TINYINT(1) Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
ABR_BAND Number of the band used to generate the VIS-ABR product, with 1 representing band 1, and 5 representing band 5; examples: 3 = derived from band 3; 5 = derived from band 5 TINYINT(1) Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
IR_VIS_PAIR The OBSERVATION_ID of the IR or VIS image acquired at the same time as this image; filled with N/A if no images were acquired simultaneously with this image. VARCHAR(9) Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
GEOMETRY_SOURCE Description of the geometry kernels used by the ISIS software when generating the geometry information for this image: P = Predicted using NAIF tools (some parameters may be unknown); R = Reconstructed; N = Nadir pointing assumed; U = Geometry unavailable; parameters filled with UNKNOWN_CONSTANT VARCHAR(1) Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
SAMPLE_RESOLUTION The horizontal size, in kilometers, of a pixel at the center of the image as projected onto the surface of the target. FLOAT PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
LINE_RESOLUTION The vertical size of a pixel, in kilometers, at the center of the image as projected onto the surface of the target. FLOAT PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO Ratio of the height to the width of the projection of the center pixel onto the surface of the target. FLOAT PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
CENTER_LATITUDE Latitude on Mars at the image center. FLOAT Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
CENTER_LONGITUDE Longitude on Mars at the image center using an east positive coordinate system. FLOAT Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
UPPER_LEFT_LATITUDE Latitude on Mars at the upper left corner of the image. FLOAT Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
UPPER_LEFT_LONGITUDE Longitude on Mars at the upper left corner of the image. FLOAT Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
UPPER_RIGHT_LATITUDE Latitude on Mars at the upper right corner of the image. FLOAT Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
UPPER_RIGHT_LONGITUDE Longitude on Mars at the upper right corner of the image. FLOAT Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
LOWER_LEFT_LATITUDE Latitude on Mars at the lower left corner of the image. FLOAT Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
LOWER_LEFT_LONGITUDE Longitude on Mars at the lower left corner of the image. FLOAT Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
LOWER_RIGHT_LATITUDE Latitude on Mars at the lower right corner of the image. FLOAT Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
LOWER_RIGHT_LONGITUDE Longitude on Mars at the lower left corner of the image. FLOAT Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
PHASE_ANGLE The angle between the surface-to-Sun vector and the surface-to-THEMIS vector drawn at the center of the image for the time the image was acquired. FLOAT PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
INCIDENCE_ANGLE The angle between the Sun and a 'normal' drawn perpendicular to the surface of the planet at the center of the image for the time the image was acquired. A value of 0 degrees indicates that the Sun was directly overheas at the time the image was acquired. FLOAT PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
EMISSION_ANGLE The angle between THEMIS and a 'normal' drawn perpendicular to the planet surface at the center of the image. For nadir observations, this value will be approximately 0 degrees. FLOAT PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
NORTH_AZIMUTH The clockwise angle from an imaginary three o'clock axis to the North polar axis, where the origin of both axes is at the center of the image. FLOAT PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
SLANT_DISTANCE A measure of the distance from the spacecraft to the target body at the center of the image; this value is the spacecraft altitude if the emission angle is 0 degrees. FLOAT PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
LOCAL_TIME The local time on Mars, in hours, at the center of the image, given as the division of the Martian day into 24 equal parts; for example, 12.00 represents high noon. FLOAT PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
SOLAR_LONGITUDE The position of Mars relative to the Sun as measured from the vernal equinox; also known as heliocentric longitude. FLOAT PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
SUB_SOLAR_AZIMUTH The clockwise angle from an imaginary three o'clock axis to the Sun at the time the image was acquired, where the origin of both axes is at the center of the image. FLOAT PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
CENTER The center latitude and longitude of the image, stored as an OpenGIS point object. POINT Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
FOOTPRINT The image footprint stored as an OpenGIS polygon object. POLYGON Not Null PDS THMIDX_VIS.TAB
LAST_UPDATE This column records the last time that a record was updated. TIMESTAMP db server

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