HiCat Data Dictionary

Catalog: CRISM
This catalog stores metadata and locations of data files from the MRO Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer (CRISM). CRISM is a high spatial and spectral resolution spectrometer operating in the near-infrared. Many HiRISE observations are planned in coordination with CRISM.
A metadata table for PDS Released CRISM products.

Field Description Type Null Limits Size Key Default Authority Source
ID The unique record identifier for the product. INT(10) unsigned auto_increment Primary Key db server
OBSERVATION_ID A unique identifier for the observation. VARCHAR(12) Not Null CRISM Shape Files
COMMENT A comment describing the observation. TEXT CRISM Shape Files
START_TIME the UTC date and time at the beginning of the data acquisition for the product. DATETIME CRISM Shape Files
STOP_TIME The UTC date and time at the end of the data acquisition for the data product. DATETIME CRISM Shape Files
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT The value of the spacecraft clock at the beginning of the data acquisition. VARCHAR(18) CRISM Shape Files
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT The value of the spacecraft clock at the end of the data acquisition. VARCHAR(18) CRISM Shape Files
OBSERVATION_TYPE The type of observation. VARCHAR(4) CRISM Shape Files
SENSOR_ID Identifies the CRISM focal plane from which the data were returned. VARCHAR(3) CRISM Shape Files
IMAGE_LINES The number of lines in the image. INT(4) CRISM Shape Files
LINE_SAMPLES The number of data samples per image line. INT(4) CRISM Shape Files
CENTER The image center stored as a GIS point object. POINT Not Null CRISM Shape Files
IMAGE_CENTER_LONGITUDE The longitude of the image center. FLOAT CRISM Footprint
IMAGE_CENTER_LATITUDE The latitude of the image center. FLOAT CRISM Footprint
FOOTPRINT The footprint of the image stored as a GIS polygon object. POLYGON Not Null CRISM Shape Files
UPPER_LEFT_LONGITUDE The longitude of the upper left corner of the image. FLOAT CRISM Shape Files
UPPER_LEFT_LATITUDE The latitude of the upper left corner of the image. FLOAT CRISM Shape Files
UPPER_RIGHT_LONGITUDE The longitude of the upper right corner of the image. FLOAT CRISM Shape Files
UPPER_RIGHT_LATITUDE The latitude of the upper right corner of the image. FLOAT CRISM Shape Files
LOWER_RIGHT_LONGITUDE The longitude of the lower right corner of the image. FLOAT CRISM Shape Files
LOWER_RIGHT_LATITUDE The latitude of the lower right corner of the image. FLOAT CRISM Shape Files
LOWER_LEFT_LONGITUDE The longitude of the lower left corner of the image. FLOAT CRISM Shape Files
LOWER_LEFT_LATITUDE The latitude of the lower left corner of the image. FLOAT CRISM Shape Files
PRODUCT_URL The url pointing to the CRISM public website where additional information about the observation and actual products can be accessed. TEXT Not Null CRISM Shape Files
LAST_UPDATE The last time the record was updated. TIMESTAMP Not Null db server

Copyright (C) 2005-2022 Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of the Planetary Image Research Laboratory, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona.

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