
Restore the headers of a HiRISE observation with the headers of the paired channel


Restore_HiRISE_Headers -bad channel.DAT -good channel.DAT -output channel.DAT -chan 0/1 -science -lut -cpmm

-bad channel.DAT

The full pathname of the raw HiRISE channel (.DAT) file with bad headers

-good channel.DAT

The full pathname of the paired raw HiRISE channel (.DAT) file with good headers

-output channel.DAT

The full pathname of the output file with corrected headers


The channel number of the channel file to be corrected (0 or 1)


Flag indicates to replace the science channel header


Flag indicates to replace the LUT table


Flag indicates to repelace the CPMM header


The Restore_HiRISE_Headers script provides a mechanism to replace header data in a Raw HiRISE channel file (.DAT) that might be corrupted such as when telemetry gaps fall on the header section.

This script will work only when there is a paired channel that has uncorrupted header information.

The user can chose to replace any combination of the science channel header (-sci), LUT table (-lut), or CPMM header (-cpmm).


Eric Eliason UA/LPL