Edit Menu

Reverses the effect of the most recent editing or filtering operation. Note that operations on entire stacks cannot be reversed using Undo.

Copies the contents of the current selection to the internal clipboard and fills it with the current background color. If text is selected in the "ImageJ" window, it is removed and copied to the system clipboard.

Copies the contents of the current selection to the internal clipboard. If there is no selection, copies the entire active image. The amount of image data copied is shown in the status bar. Cut, Copy and Paste of images to other applications is currently not supported. Select the Fill With Clipboard option in the File/New dialog to create a new window from the contents of ImageJ's internal clipboard. If text is selected in the "ImageJ" window, it is copied to the system clipboard. The number of characters copied is shown in the status bar.

Inserts the contents of the internal clipboard into the active image. The pasted image is automatically selected, allowing it to be dragged with the mouse. Click outside the selection to terminate the paste. Select Edit/Undo to abort the paste operation.

Paste Control...
After a Paste, use the Paste Control popup menu to control how the image currently being pasted is transferred to the destination image. The Paste Control transfer modes are similar to those listed in the description of Process/Image Calculator.

Erases the contents of the selection to the current background color (normally white). The backspace (or delete) key is a handy shortcut for this command. Alt-click in the Image/Colors window to change the background color.

Clear Outside
Erases the area outside the current image selection to the background color. Alt-click in the Image/Colors window to change the background color.

Select All
Selects the entire active image, including portions that may be offscreen.

Select None
Deactivates the selection in the active image.

Restore Selection
Restores the previous selection to its original position. Can also be used to transfer a selection from one window to another.

Fills the current selection with the current foreground color. The foreground color is set by using the dropper tool to "pick up" a new color from an image. Alt-click with any other tool, except the magnifying glass, to temporarily switch to the dropper tool. Colors can be "picked up" from the Image/Colors window using any tool. The dropper tool icon in the tool bar is drawn in the foreground color and the frame around it is drawn in the background color.

Outlines the current selection using the current foreground color and line width. The "Colors" window, opened with the Image/Colors command, provides a palette of drawing colors. Colors can be "picked" up from the "Colors" window without having to switch to the dropper tool. Use the Edit/Options/Line Width command, or double-click on the freeline tool, to change the line width.

Creates a reversed image, similar to a photographic negative, of the entire image or selection.

Use commands in this submenu to change various ImageJ user preference settings.

Line Width...
Displays a dialog box that allows the width of lines generated by the Draw command to be changed.

JPEG Quality...
Use this dialog to specify the compression level use by the File/Save As/Jpeg command. Requesting a higher degree of compression (a lower value) will produce smaller files, but poorer image quality.

Opens a small window with three popup menus for specifying the type face, size and style of the font used by the text tool.

Profile Plot Options...
Use this dialog to fix the Y-axis scale in plots generated by Analyze/Plot Profile. Check Do Not Save X-Values to have "List", "Save" and "Copy" in profile plot windows display or save only y-values. Check Auto-close to have profile plot windows automatically closed when "List", "Save" or "Copy" are clicked on.

Displays a dialog box containing miscellaneous options.

Real Histogram Bins specifies the number of bins used to generate histograms of 32-bit floating-point images.

The Divide by Zero Value specify the value used when Process/Image Calculator detects a divide by zero while dividing one 32-bit real image by another. The default is the largest 32-bit real value (3.4e38).

Check Use Pointer Cursor and ImageJ will use a pointer cursor instead of the default cross hair cursor that is sometimes difficult to see on grayscale images in areas of medium brightness.

Check Scale When Converting to have ImageJ scale from min-max to 0-255 or 0-65535 when converting from 16-bits to 8-bits or from float to either 16-bits or 8-bits. Use Image/Show Info to view a 16-bit or float image's min and max values ("Display window"). If this option is not checked, converted pixel values are clipped at 0 and at 255 (when converting to 8-bits) or at 65535 (when converting to 16-bits).

Check Debug Mode to enable display of debugging messages in the ImageJ window.

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