Fig. 9a. "E11 Band"

The E11 Band is located on the leading hemisphere of the satellite, shown here in 32 m/pixel Galileo images (E11 orbit). The band is composed of a level array of parallel EW striations or thin ridges, which does not appear to be elevated. Younger, larger ridges located approximately on the band midline (but off-axis) prevent any determination about symmetry or the presence of a central groove. The band displaces older features, suggesting that it can be reconstructed. Arrows connect various piercing points. A Class 2 dilational ridge is at A (Sec. II.A).

Fig. 9b. E11 Band, reconstructed

The reconstructed E11 Band illustrates the realignment of the piercing points, indicated by solid lines. Net relative motion is opposite to the arrows in Fig. 9a. The reconstruction is unambiguous because realigned lineaments are orthogonal. The E11 Band is a dilational gap with a large component of right-lateral motion.